In 2020, JSPE celebrated its 20th anniversary. Within the WG, the mission of JSPE shows the significance of establishment and existence, and reaffirms that it does not change from the establishment prospectus, and to respond to changes in the social situation and environment 20 years after its establishment. , Rethinking Vision.


Our Mission

Members recognize and understand international engineering standards through their expertise,

Support activities to protect public safety, health, welfare, and property with high ethical standards

Our Vision

Taking advantage of the diversity of generations, fields, and races, not only in the technical field

Create a mechanism to help each other's individual training of engineers

Our Values

Independent and independent engineers who can collaborate widely in the world

A respected engineer who solves social issues

Encouragement to acquire PE qualifications that will trigger cross-borders

(Formulated 2021.5.15)


In 2020, JSPE celebrated its 20th anniversary.

In the VISION Formulation Working Group, we reaffirmed that the mission of JSPE is to show the significance of the establishment and existence of the organization, and that the mission will not change from the organization's original founding charter. However, we reformulated the vision to respond social and environmental changes in the 20 years since the organization's establishment.


Our Mission

To encourage engineers to hold paramount the safety, health, property and welfare of the public through internationally recognized practices of professional engineering ethics.


Our Vision

To create a framework with which engineers can help each other with not only their technical skills, but also self-improvement as individual engineers, by leveraging the diversity of generations, technical fields, and ethnicities.


Our Values

Independent and self-reliant engineers who can work around the world
Respected engineers who resolve social issues
Motivation to acquire a PE licenses that will lead to cross-border opportunities


(Formulated on May 15, 2021)


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